Implant Treatment
Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are inserted in the jawbone in order to support dentures. These are screws made of titanium, which are made to replace missing teeth, are long-lasting and can be used for a lifetime without any problems. These screws are inserted in the jawbone by a minor surgical procedure in sterile environments by specialist dentists. After this procedure, the implant is completely attached to the jawbone within approximately two to three months. After these stages, the implant, which replaces the actual tooth root, becomes in a position to bear the prosthesis to be placed on it. In order for implant application to be performed, first of all, the bone structure and gingiva to support the implant must be sufficient and healthy. If this is not the case, additional bone surgery applications (sinus lift, autogenous block bone graft) are also performed with the implant in order to achieve high success rates.
Completion of the applied treatment varies depending on the patient’s condition and the content of the procedures performed. Depending on the bone structure of the patients and the condition of their teeth, the treatment is completed by replacing the permanent prostheses after approximately two to three months.
These treatments should be applied by specialist dentists in a sterile environment using sterile materials.
Upon completion of the implant-supported prosthetic treatment, individual oral and dental care should not be overlooked so that the implants can be used without any problems for many years, and the dentist should be visited regularly at 6-month intervals.
You need to attach more importance to foreign subjects stuck in the mouth than your own teeth. Implants are easy to clean and do not take much time. The most important factor for dental health and a successful dental treatment in humans is the importance to be given to oral and dental health.
Implant Treatment Prices
Implant Dental Treatment Prices of the Turkish Dental Association
Intraosseous Implant (Single Cylindrical Implant Fee Not Included) (VAT Included) = 250 Euros
Veneer Crowns ( Porcelain ) ( Excluding Precious Metal Fee ) = Prices starting from 1500 TL
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